Tuesday, November 23, 2010

10 on Tuesday: Holiday edition

1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too?
This year, we did a traditional turkey dinner on Sunday before Thanksgiving because we will be driving home from Disney on Thanksgiving day and didn't want to have to worry about the Turkey situation. We will be having a "low country boil" for dinner on Thursday evening to have an easy family gathering. We gave up traveling for Christmas when Fuss was born.

2. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit?
We try and alternate sides of the family or just host everyone ourselves.

3. Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day?
I preferred somewhere about 2pm, but this year that was the heart of nap time, so we moved it back to accommodate the toddlers.

4. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Just being together. I love the food, the decorations, the family time.

5. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?
Lounge. We used to play games, but that kind of fell away with the arrival of little kids, too.

6. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?
Depends on the year. I have gone in the past, but haven't the last few years. I want to this year, but I need a better plan.

7. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?
The week of Christmas. But that's the last minute stuff - stocking stuffers, last minute RSVPers, etc.

8. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?
Yes and yes, but I always go over the budget a little and the amount changes from year to year.

9. When do you decorate for the holidays?
We'll be doing Christmas decorating this weekend. I'm psyched. I think Fuss is really going to get into it this year.

10. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?
Mostly simple - but we've had bigger years and smaller years. I'm collecting a winter village (after Christmas sales) so it's getting bigger...

Visit Chelsea for more 10 on Tues.

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