Friday, November 6, 2009

7 Quick Takes

1. I'm reading It Sucked and the I Cried: How I had a baby, a breakdown, and a much needed margarita by Heather Armstrong. Probably not my best timing, but I finally found it at the library and I grabbed when I had the chance. So far, it is wonderful. She writes so well and only a couple of chapters in I already feel like I know her. I've read her blog, occasionally, but not regularly.

2. I sort of accidentally started writing in time to begin at the beginning of the month and so far have a lot of content spewing forth from my head and hands. So, after several years of wanting to to do it, but being scared to (I'm really terrible about doing stuff like this) I finally signed up for NaBloPoMo. I'm actually sort of proud of myself.

3. My husband's 2nd-in-command boss (there's the owner, then this guy and then my husband) was let go this week for setting up a competing company. While I don't blame the boss for letting him go, we are worried about what this means for my husband's workload.

4. I'm dying to get some new clothes - some really nice ones. Specifically shoes at the moment, which is especially odd for me, since I'm not a big shoe person. I'm more about the comfort than the looks and I'm dying to get some really pretty shoes - peep toe heels or kitten heels - that really aren't comfortable, usually. I also love boots, but that, at least isn't as surprising. I think it might have something to do with some of the books I've been reading lately which mention things like this. I'm obviously really influenced by advertising and that sort of thing.

5. We had lunch at a new Cajun restaurant the other day. I've been obsessing about the vacation we want to take to New Orleans lately, and I'm now even more motivated to go and to eat more Cajun food. I love all that stuff - ettouffe, shrimp creole, beignets, gumbo, etc. I also once had a little bit of heaven called crab au gratin while in New Orleans. Sigh.

6. My Numfar will never get to do the dance of joy. I'm really sad about that.

7. Fuss ripped the back page out of a library book recently. Thankfully, it was a blank page, but it had the library security sticker on it. Thankfully, the man checking in books was very nice about it.

For more 7 Quick Takes, click here


  1. 1. I don't read her blog. It's too negative for me. I need funny HAPPY people!

    2. Good luck! I post 5 days a week. I think if I took on weekends too, I'd have a meltdown!! I do a blog carnicval thing on Tuesdays if you need help once a week!

  2. 1. Funny, I came from Dooce, to Conversion Diary and then to you.
    2. I had not been blogging daily and then a friend chided me about it so have been putting in the effort. It is amazing that when I am really trying the ideas just seem to flow.
