Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Stresses

My dad called yesterday in a panic. The one employee (working the counter) who wasn't brand-new is in the hospital. He's been having health problems for months, so this isn't a huge shock and he's been working 12-hour days while we train the new people at the other store, so that probably isn't good for him. But this means my dad is up a creek - again - the week before Christmas (our busiest week if things hold true to the past) and I have SO much to do...

My house is a disaster. I still have presents to wrap (and still have some coming in the mail, for that matter!) I have cookies and fudge to make and all sorts of craziness to fix up and organize. We're doing a slightly different Christmas dinner (though, I confess, my husband is taking care of all of that nonsense) so there is that challenge (I am increasingly worried that we'll end up calling out for pizza because it doesn't work out).

I LOVE Christmas time and I feel like there is so much going on that I can't enjoy it. I love watching Fuss and Little Man look at the sights and the lights that surround Christmas. Fuss especially is so much fun this year. I can't wait to see her open her presents Christmas morning.

I am trying to take a deep breath and slow down and enjoy my moments with her. This age only happens once.

I will work 2 days this week for my dad. But then, I'm putting my foot down. I will not work Christmas Eve. (let's see how well I do this when I'm actually talking to him, shall we?)

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