Monday, September 7, 2009

Pink and Blue and Green

I am into a decorating mode lately. I am looking for projects. I want to get some bedding for The Fuss's big girl bed, which we will be transitioning to in the next year, I'd guess. I want to make sure I have the right stuff. We're also talking about enclosing the garage to make a bedroom, and moving her in there when the new baby comes (eventually - will update you with current status in the next week some time) and if we do that, I can do the decor totally girlie if i want! Yay!

Anyhow, Amanda at The Mom Job is doing this awesome giveaway for a really great pink/brown bedding set. It's geared more toward college age kids, but I think something similar would work great for her.

We've been looking at paint colors for our kitchen, which we got new counters/cabinets for just before The Fuss was born, but we still haven't painted the walls or done anything about the flooring. (It's terrazzo floors - they're fine, but I'd like to put down some actual flooring to make it seem more finished.) I've finally picked out the color paint, and Daddy Fuss will likely be painting it soon.

I have a whole other post about what I want to do in my living room coming soon, too. But these are my projects for now. We recently decided we wouldn't be selling/moving any time soon, so I'm very interested in getting it exactly the way I want it now. Pink an

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