Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy B-day, Mia!

Happy birthday to my niece M who turns one year old today before I've even met her. I look forward to knowing you for a long time in the future, little M!

I have the day after Christmas off next week. Originally, my husband had to work, so I was trying to figure out what I was going to do for the day to recover from having 18 people in my house for Christmas. The only person I knew of that wouldn’t be working was my BF. As we don’t get to see each other very often these days, I was looking forward to spending some time with her.

Then, it worked out that my husband was going to get most of the day off. This was, of course fine with me, because I love him and we could spend some time together relaxing and doing something fun.

And now, all my in-laws have the day off. I can guarantee that we’ll be spending the last half of the day with his family including taking family pictures and having dinner with his great-aunt and uncle. I’m over it. Really. So much for my day off.

On the pregnancy note:
I had almost convinced myself that I didn’t need to know if I was pregnant until my next period is due in about 3 weeks. But I just think that it would be SO perfect to tell everyone at the same time at Christmas that we were expecting, so if we are, I REALLY want to know before then. We’re going to test again over the weekend before Christmas. I’m still trying to eat well and I’m not drinking and I am taking the prescription strength prenatal vitamins, so all is well. I’m not obsessing as much as I was last time, so I can’t tell if that means my intuition is positive or negative. Who knows? Truly I bounce back and forth from moment to moment about whether or not I think I am. I’m okay if I am, I’m okay if I’m not. The last time even though it really wasn’t planned, I was really psyched about the idea and was really bummed that I wasn’t (of course, the fact that I had kidney stones at the time helped take my mind off of it).

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