Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday: All About Pasta

1. Red Sauce or White Sauce?
White, but many of the cream sauces mess with my stomach unless they are literally freshly homemade. So I eat plenty of red or butter sauces, too, and I LOVE them.

2. Do you prefer pasta you can twirl or stab?
I like twirls, but I'm really pretty equal opportunity on my pasta. My husband uses the term "evil pasta" for those which you can't twirl and don't often stay on your fork easily. He hates penne, for example.

3. Baked or boiled?

4. Do you like meat in your sauce or do you kick it vegetarian style?
It depends. I always hated my mom's "meat sauce" spaghetti as a kid, but I love some meal that includes meat - I just don't like it to be equal parts meat and sauce.

5. Where have you had your very best pasta ever?
Ooh, boy, that's a tough one. I have no idea. My husband makes this stuff we call "O"-fredo sauce (because it's like having a little orgasm in my mouth!) so maybe here at home?

6. What is your favorite pasta dish?
I love a good seafood pasta in a lemon butter sauce.

7. Do you serve meatballs when you make spaghetti or just do a meat sauce?
I don't do meat sauce. We either do meatballs or italian sausage.

8. Why type (rice, whole wheat, egg, etc) of noodles do you use?
I love spinach noodles and egg noodles, but more often than not, we use whatever is cheap and on sale or BOGO, so it's pretty standard white flour pasta.

9. What type of meats or vegetables do you put in your sauce?
I love mushrooms in pasta sauce. We do a lot of sea food and Italian sausage in our pastas. I also make an aribiatta sauce with lots of peppers and mushrooms and onion, too which is great!

10. Do you make a “Sunday gravy” to use throughout the week or do you just open a jar of whatever and heat it up? (No judgment on this one!)
I don't make Sunday gravy, but I nearly always doctor a jar of sauce to make our regular dinner sauces. I only use it straight out of the jar if I'm microwaving it to put on some lunchtime noodles or something.

Check out Chelsea and the rest here to see others' answers.

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