Friday, April 16, 2010

7 Quick Takes: About a BOY!

1. We had our gender-revealing ultrasound yesterday and it revealed a BOY!

2. When the tech asked if we could tell, I was fairly sure, but I didn't want to say it. I couldn't get the words out. I felt momentarily disappointed. But as soon as she said the word "son" I was SO incredibly happy. And I've remained that way.

3. He's healthy and got his first compliment from the midwife "he's even more symmetrical than most babies of his age." I know his future wife will say the same when she meets him. LOL

4. I am so relieved to KNOW now. It has been driving me crazy not to.

5. Other than that first second of being less-than-thrilled, I have remained incredibly excited ever since. I am actually way more excited than I thought I would be. Which is really, really a good thing.

6. My husband and I didn't get to stop and do the fun stuff like go register because our babysitter was on a time crunch. We did take Fuss to Toys R Us after dinner and checked out their in-store Babies R Us (we have a dedicated BRU north county, but we were much further south and didn't have time to go up there) for some sort of adorable baby outfit. I found a couple I liked, but none I was in love with, so we are waiting for a better selection. And we will be making a sojourn to the Carter's outlet soon!

7. I'm thinking his first stuffed animal should be something like a tiger or a panda bear - is that cheesy?

For more quick takes, click here.

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