Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10 on Tuesday - Figuratively and Literally

1. What keeps you up at night? (figuratively)
Worry about my children, their healthy and safety, and the health and safety of my husband.

2. What keeps you up at night? (literally)
My newborn son, my husband's snoring, my toddler's middle-of-the-night wakings.

3. Where do you want to go in life? (figuratively)
I want to be debt-free and finanacially secure with healthy, happy children who adore me.

4. Where do you want to go in life? (literally)
I'd love to visit Europe - mostly the British Isles, but also Italy. I've also been dreaming of a vacation in Northwestern Wine Country - Oregon, Washington, etc.

5. Have you ever bit off more than you could chew? (figuratively)

6. Have you ever bit off more than you could chew? (literally)

7. Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence? (figuratively)
My life is pretty good right now. I've had some moments where I wish I could do something like some people I know, but overall, my grass is pretty green.

8. Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence? (literally)
Greener? No. Shorter. Yes. We need to mow our lawn (and by "we" I mean, Daddy Fuss)

9. If you can’t stand the heat, do you get out of the kitchen? (figuratively)

10. If you can’t stand the heat, do you get out of the kitchen? (literally)
Not unless I'm not the one doing the cooking.

Visit Roots and Rings for more 10 on Tuesdays.

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